San Diego Padres Trade Deadline Preview

Credit: AP Photo

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(AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)

The 2019 MLB trade deadline is less than three weeks away. The San Diego Padres could be buyers, sellers or do a little bit of both by the end of July.

Welcome to the 2019 San Diego Padres trade deadline preview, where I’ll go over just about every trade target, outgoing and incoming, that you’ll need to know for the next three weeks.

This is a long piece, but this deadline could very well be the most important in franchise history, so I really do think this one is worth sticking out.

It’ll be broken up into four sections, all explained below.

Identifying where each team stands on the buyer-tweener-seller scale is the first order of business. Once that’s established, I’ll get into some major league Padres who could, if the right deal presents itself, be on the move. Piggybacking on that will be some minor leaguers in the San Diego system who are most likely to be coveted by the sellers, and as a result, could be on the market. Finally, I’ll get into the non-Padres who Preller and company could be looking at to help usher in the first year of the true contention window. Sound good? I say we get started.


For buyers, controllability is less of a priority. These teams are near-locks to make the postseason and are willing to part with significant pieces of their future to win it all this year. Players moved to this tier are usually veterans with no more than one year of control remaining. The list of teams at this level looks something like this:

-Red Sox

Two types of teams constitute the next tier of what I like to call tweeners. They either, one, have an outside chance of making the postseason with a hot second half but don’t want to sacrifice what they deem to be a greater chance to compete in the future, or, two, their organizational philosophy simply doesn’t allow for aggressive buying at the deadline regardless of their placement in the standings (think Athletics and Rays here).

There technically is another type of team here, and that’s the team that just refuses to blow it up. But this is a bad strategy. Don’t do this. I’m looking at you, 2017 and 2018 Giants. Anyway, if teams in this range buy, they seek controllable, long-term pieces with typically smaller salaries and arbitration-eligible deals. If they sell, it’s typically at position surpluses and salary dumps (which can get expensive). Buy-low candidates are also fished for at this level if a team feels confident in being able to turn someone into a reclamation project. This, by the way, is where the Padres stand. They won’t be all-the-way buyers or all-the-way sellers, but most likely could do a little buying and a little selling if the deals make sense. The complete list of tweeners is as follows:


The final group is the sellers, and for the first time in a long time, the Padres aren’t members of this not-so-prestigious club! These are the teams with no chance to be good this year, and likely little-to-no chance to be good next year. Veterans with value do nothing for these teams, so any buyer or tweener with interest can strike a deal with a healthy package of prospects. Teams that should – or have already started – rebuilding find themselves here. Those teams are:

-White Sox
-Blue Jays



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8 thoughts on “San Diego Padres Trade Deadline Preview

  1. Is it just “Ryan now?

    Ok Ryan, not sure why you’re so obsessed with me.
    But that’s cool, I appreciate the hate.

    Werent you the one who was banned from at least twice for being west coast Ryan by being an annoying douche to everyone who disagreed with you and your
    “Why trade for him when we can sign him in TWO years” comment constantly. You were also red rooster who again, was banned. You denied it, I called you out, and even Steve Adams commented saying you were in fact the same he was able to track your IP address. Even after that awkward revelation, you still talk shit. Nobody likes you Ryan…well maybe Tanned Tom.

    And I prefer to talk baseball, not argue w an 80 yr grumpy asshole/whiny 30 yr old living at home.
    Go play your Xbox. I’m sure you have a ton of friends there.

    In regards to Wil Myers, cool, good job Einstein, you predicted Wil Myers would suck this year. Bravo.

  2. Good job. Love these types of exhaustive views of the market. Probably the Reds are not sellers though. They’re only 4.5 games out of 1st in their division and do have a positive run differential, meaning they might be a better team than their record indicates.
    One of the criteria teams use to evaluate prospects, particularly their own, is coachability. If Urias has still got the big leg kick, and has been hard-headed about changing it, then you are right that he could be moved. It is essential to trade top prospects once you have given up on them, and before other teams come to the same judgment. Coachability was why Renfroe was demoted, and why Gyorko was traded, to pick just two examples.
    And of course the big domino is Myers. Yes it will be like giving birth to an elephant to trade him. But dealing him saves at least some money, and opens up a valuable roster spot for a more useful player, be it Jankowski, France or whomever. Pretty much simply has to be done.

    1. “It is essential to trade top prospects once you have given up on them, and before other teams come to the same judgment.”

      That’s what Josh Byrnes thought when he traded Anthony Rizzo.

      Oh and Hunter Renfroe seems pretty coachable to me.

      1. Still hits for a low BA, a crappy OBP, and strikes out too much. Perhaps you don’t understand what is meant by coachable.

  3. Cue the asinine comment from Padres2019ha/The Dude about how the Padres should trade Myers for Syndergaard

  4. 1. Trading Stammen doesn’t mean they can’t bring him back.
    2. According to who has the organization soured on Urias?

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