Chargers Special: 5 Reasons to be Thankful for the San Diego Chargers

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Credit: UT San Diego
Credit: UT San Diego

Turkey day is here and it is a time to be thankful for all that you have. A time to spend with friends and family and rejoice in all the great things in your life. If you are a negative person, this holiday is not for you. If you are a negative person, then you are probably also tired of the drama filled 2015 San Diego Chargers season and the uncertainty surrounding the future of this franchise.

Until the team pulls out of town we here at EVT will support them and we shall always be positive when it comes to the San Diego Chargers football team. There are many lasting memories associated with the Chargers. From the Super Bowl appearance in 1994, to LT’s record-breaking touchdown against the rival Denver Broncos, to days of Johnny Unitas leading the team, this team has a very special past.

We are thankful for the fans favorite players that never got much press but were exciting to watch. Lionel James, Ronnie Harmon, Hank Bauer, David Binn all fit that mold and we are thankful to what each brought to the team. There are far too many to name and its impossible to give praise to all the players that made the Chargers who they are.

This article will give thanks to five specific reasons why we are thankful for being a Chargers fan. The ride is not always smooth and the team can be frustrating at time to support, but we will always bleed Powder Blue. The Chargers are our team and they belong in the city of San Diego. Hopefully when the dust settles, the team will have a new stadium in the city of San Diego. The history of this franchise in the city of San Diego is too special to just throw away.



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