New brown uniforms are an absolute home run for Padres

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Credit: Padres

The Padres revealed their new brown look for 2020 and beyond on Saturday night, and it was a dream come true.

The Padres last wore brown as their primary color in 1990. Since then, they have worn some combination of navy, orange, and sand, going through some 17 different combinations in total.

Finally, at long last, the Padres look like the Padres, and San Diego has an identity to grab hold of and cherish. Now, and forever, brown and gold will signify that of a Padres fan and native San Diegan.

Padres fans likely came into this unveiling with some cautious optimism. They have been burned before. Whether it be by uniform reveals of the past, hyped free agent signings or trades, or top prospects that were supposed to be the “next big thing,” the fans have had their share of disappointment. It can be understood if they came into the events of Saturday night half-expecting to be let down again.

However, every part of the event itself and the actual uniforms the Friars revealed was excellently executed. The Padres seemed to finally hear the cries of fans that said for years #BringBacktheBrown.

First, the video they showed for the reveal was chill-inducing.

Now on to the uniforms themselves, starting with the home set.


The Friars will don pinstripes for the first time in 20 years, initially wearing them from 1985 to 2000. The wordmark “PADRES” has changed slightly, with the letters stretched out evenly. The white-on-white set with the pinstripes is a very classic look. They are now one of seven teams in Major League Baseball that wear pinstripes (Yankees, Mets, Phillies, White Sox, Cubs, and the Rockies).

New on all uniforms this year is the iconic Nike swoosh, as Nike takes over for Majestic in producing MLB jerseys starting in 2020. The swoosh is a crisp addition to this uniform as it is the others, and it should be popular with fans.

Another welcome addition (or in this case, re-addition) is the return of the Swinging Friar logo on the uniform. The Padres have not had a prominent Swinging Friar patch since 2015 (the 50th-anniversary one does not count). It does not contain the words “San Diego Padres” around the logo, which has not happened since the Padres did away with the navy and sand alternates in 2011. Without the wording, it’s a quiet yet clean look.


Lastly, the trimming on the sleeve and collar brings this full circle as a beautiful new home uniform that the Padres will wear at Petco Park all year long.


The new road uniform should look at least a little familiar. The jersey is a similar look to the now-former home Friday brown alternate jerseys. It is a more vibrant brown, and the lettering says “San Diego” instead of “Padres.”

It is coupled with sand pants, not gray, with a brown stripe down the side. This is a simple, functional look when the Friars take to the road and tour other MLB ballparks. Gone are the days the Padres will be mistaken for just about half of the other teams in the league with dull gray and navy road uniforms. They will stick out everywhere they go, just like Padres fans want.

Road Alternate

This one will likely be the most divisive, either a fan’s most favorite or least. The Padres started on the right foot by having their team’s most beloved current player, Fernando Tatis Jr., strut out in the pinstriped sand uniforms.

Again, the Padres have re-embraced the pinstripes. There is a lot to like about these, with the Nike swoosh and Swinging Friar just like the other two sets. This makes the Padres the only current team without a gray road uniform. Padres’ ownership was crystal clear about wanting to give the fans something they would love and immediately identify as “the Padres.”

Credit: Padres

All in all, this was a smashing success for the Padres organization. They did their due diligence and gave the fans something they love. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. The fact that the Padres packed Petco Park with thousands of season ticket holders and VIP guests for this reveal is a testament to how excited fans are for this new branding.

Branding is essential in this day and age of sports. The Friars have finally ditched the forgettable and boring navy for a brash, new take on the original colors of the San Diego Padres. From now on, whenever a fan is seen wearing the brown and gold, there will be no question about to whom their allegiances lie.

They lie with the San Diego Padres because brown is back and better than ever.

Which one is your favorite?

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5 thoughts on “New brown uniforms are an absolute home run for Padres

  1. If I can give you some honest feedback: I used to enjoy your podcast, but now I can’t find it on itunes. I’m not sure why. But to get to the point: your positive comments about the fucking Nike swoosh ruin any credibility you have. I haven’t met a single fan that is happy about the Nike swoosh being on the front of the jerseys. It is not a good look for you to say positive things about the swoosh. Your grammar in your regular writings is a bit sub-par, but I can overlook that. But I can’t overlook sugar-coated bullshit comments that don’t reflect reality. I encourage you to cut down on the BS or your readership won’t grow. Being genuine is very important. I hope you’re listening. Thanks.

    1. Jeff, why so harsh? Are F bombs really necessary? I’m not a fan of the nike swoosh either, but I do love the new uni’s. Brown pinstripes…OUTSTANDING!!!

    2. I forgot to mention the swoosh. It should be on the sleeve like the Majestic emblem was, but I suppose Nike paid a lot more than Majestic did so they get to do what they want.

    3. Kids these days like the prominent Nike swoosh. It’s popular. This entire article was 100% genuine from my brain. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. I was not looking forward to the brown unis, not sure if I was in the quiet majority or not part of the vocal minority, but I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by these uniforms. The new/current road alternate should and presumably soon will be the regular road uniform, it would really “stick out” on the road and that is what fans wanted right? The brown jersey could easily work with both the straight sand pants on the road and the home pinstriped white home pants.

    To be honest, the only thing I do not like about these jerseys is the trim on the collar and the sleeves, which surprises me because as I said earlier, I was not looking forward to this change.

    Job well done Padres! Now if Preller & Co. can bring in a couple of top tier players to add to what they have, we may even see these unis in the post season and isn’t that more important than what they are wearing?

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